Gender Affirming Care

Interconnections Healing Center provides gender affirming care for gender non-conforming, transgender and/or non-binary clients in the following ways:


Ongoing Individual Therapy

We do not believe that transgender and non-binary people need therapy to make informed decisions about their bodies, transitions, or lives.  We do believe that systemic oppression can take a toll, and strive to create space in therapy where an individual’s experience of that toll can be understood, supported, and alleviated. 


Our therapists are trained in gender affirming care best practices and work with transgender, nonbinary, and gender questioning clients toward your self-identified goals.  This may include exploration of these identities as a primary goal of therapy, or may simply involve acknowledging these identities as just one part of a person’s complex web of identities and experiences worthy of exploration and support.


In this, as in all areas, we strive to provide the highest level of culturally responsive care and are committed to our own ongoing self-education and reflection.


Letters for Surgery

Therapists at Interconnections Healing Center can support clients in pursuing gender affirming surgeries by providing standalone evaluations and surgery support letters.  You do not have to be an existing client to schedule an evaluation.  In these sessions, we use an informed consent approach, which we believe honors the human dignity of trans and non-binary people and reduces barriers to care.  Letters can typically be completed after one session and sent to your identified surgeon or insurance company within five business days.


As part of our commitment to reducing barriers to care, we offer a sliding scale for this service.  See our Fees and Billing page for information on our rates.


Ongoing Relationship Therapy and Family Therapy

Research shows that families and relationships are a primary source of resiliency for LGBTQ, including transgender and non-binary, people.  We provide relationship and family therapy that is gender affirming and honors varying family and relationship configurations.


Not all therapists provide relationship therapy or family therapy. Please view our therapist pages for more information on services available from each provider. 

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Get In Touch

If you are interested in becoming a new client please fill out the form below to connect with us so we can work on providing you a customized appointment recommendation or an appointment with the therapist you requested. Either our Operations Manager, Rachel Messer, or the therapist requested will reach out to you within 2-3 business days from your form submission. You can also contact Rachel directly at 206-659-5945 for assistance

Get in touch form (#2)